Automatic payment of bills
This service allows you to pay the domestic bills from San Marino or Italy automatically, in a safe and easy way. This system works directly on your account debiting the amounts related to services and products supplied. Throughout our branches or on your web banking you can manage and check the list of bills payed.
Tax payments
At our counters you can pay all the taxes coming from the Public Administration and you can also set up the Direct Debit of public services on your banking account (e.g school taxes etc)
SEPA payments
Throughout Banca Sammarinese di Investimento you can receive or dispose bank transfers in EURO currency in favour of San Marino, Italy and any other Country included in the SEPA payment system. Throughout our branches or on your web banking you can manage and check the list of payments executed and received.
International payments
Banca Sammarinese di Investimento is direct member of the international SWIFT network ( BIC code BSDISMSDXXX ).
Throughout Banca Sammarinese di Investimento you can receive or dispose bank transfers from/to Europe or from/to the rest of the World in any foreign currency.
In order to use this service you must know the settlement instructions of the beneficiary cutomer (IBAN code in Europe or the complete account number for extra EU Countries) and the SWIFT code (BIC code) of the beneficiary bank.
Throughout our branches or on your web banking you can manage and check the list bank transfers executed and received.
If you need to receive a bank transfer from abroad it it necessary to indicate the IBAN of your bank account with us, the swift code of
Banca Sammarinese di Investimento BSDISMSDXXX and the reference of the correspondent bank according to the currency used.
Permanent orders
This service allows you to execute a payment with the frequency you need, choosing a specific amount or a flexible amount: e.g payment of a rent, periodic payment of a mortgage or leasing.You can activate it on our counters, indicating the settlement instructions of the benficiary, the frquency, the amount. Throughout our branches or on your web banking you can manage and check the list bank transfer executed and received.
Payments of electronic banking receipts
The electronic banking receipt is the most used tool for commercial transactions between companies: the payer is adviced (paper document indicating the expiring dateb) by the bank of the payee. In order to activate this service you just need to inform your supplier with your new banking settlement instructions. You will be able to pay your banking receipts throughout our branches or using your web banking.
RID payments
These type of payments allow a creditor to receive his incoming payments debiting the debtor’s account directly. The authorization to set up this system is signed by the debtor who signs a specific delegation and he indicates his IBAN. The existing RID payments which are already set up in other banks can be transferred quickly and safely to your new bank account with BSI. Thanks to our web banking you can manage and check the list of RID debited on your account.