1- Strategy -> 2 - Delivery -> 3 – Adjustment
Networking makes use of the advanced tools available to the global financial market, it assesses possibilities and reliability, in particular it moves by carrying out the functions of "asset allocation on best portfolio targets."
Service: strengths
For further information please write to wm@bsi.sm or call 0549 940926.
- It proposes to target selected private investors to provide investment solutions working with refined and evolved financial instruments, which will then integrate and develop with the service already offered within the finance area.
- It does not work with preconceived ideas or standardized assets, but carves out a profile which is suitable for the needs of every investor in line with the required performance.
- It is placed in the context of wealth management, working over a medium to long term period. This is an evolution of Private Banking, taking the principles and realising them with a strictly Tailor Made approach.
- It creates "ad hoc" solutions and does not use already marketed third-party financial packages, working in the face of investment needs by having a solid basic know-how and being in continuous contact with the evolution of the market.
- Comprehensive and integrated wealth management.
- Multidisciplinary knowledge in finance.
- Possibility of easy and fast interaction with the main market players.
- Optimizing financial assets.
1- Strategy -> 2 - Delivery -> 3 – Adjustment
Networking makes use of the advanced tools available to the global financial market, it assesses possibilities and reliability, in particular it moves by carrying out the functions of "asset allocation on best portfolio targets."
- Analysis of Assets and generated cash flow.
- Determination of the timing for the strategic and tactical positions in the portfolio.
- Evaluation of assets using significant parameters: the evolution of mark to market.
- Analytical reporting and timely investment.
- The Wealth Management unit offers customers maximum assistance for the daily care of their investments. For in-depth analysis reports and tips on custom model portfolios, constant monitoring is applied to verify the correct implementation of the investment strategy being followed.
- With the scheduling of regular meetings, at regular intervals, or whenever the need arises, it is possible to focus on some of the more important and complex aspects of the project which, in this way is continuously monitored by the client himself who is able to check the targets and share the operational choices.
Service: strengths
- Extreme personalization of investments according to objectives.
- Absolute independence from external partners
- Sharing of decision-making and operating processes without the risk of conflicts of interest.
- Absolute confidentiality in relation to the market.
- Constant monitoring of investments.
For further information please write to wm@bsi.sm or call 0549 940926.